Monday, July 18, 2011

Securing the Perimeter

My husband and I have had a joke for several years now. When I decide to ride the four-wheeler around the farm perimeter, which equates to several  miles total, I always tell him "I am going to secure the perimeter". When I return from my ride, I then report "the perimeter is secure".

Quite honestly, if I should come upon a truly wild animal, intruder or emergency, I haven't a clue as to what exactly I would do besides have a panic attack!

In reality, when I ride the four-wheeler I do it for the pure enjoyment of being outside, viewing nature, breathing fresh air, watching the heifers in the fields, riding through the grapevine tunnel and allowing myself to think about absolutely nothing.

I check the progress of the deer food plots, examine the tiny purple flowers on the old railroad bed, check to see if any ducks have arrived on either of the ponds, sit on the porch of our rustic log cabin for a few minutes, or check to see if the blackberries are ripe enough to pick yet.

There are so many things that I can see and take time on which to reflect when I am alone and riding. Each season brings new visions and smells. I love to slow down when driving by the wrapped round bales and inhale their sweet scent. Driving close to a deer who suddenly jumps up is always a pleasant suprise. Watching the sun rays flow through the trees on a sunny summer day or seeing the leaves change color in the fall is a vision that everyone should be blessed to see.

I wish that each and everyone of you could enjoy the experience of "securing the perimeter" at least once in your life. It truly is a blessing.

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